Control measures for Covid-19 virus

UPDATED: Risk assessment for reopening

To comply with Government/Hampshire Covid-19 guidance for schools and other educational settings we have published our Covid-19 Risk Assessment. The full document can be downloaded by clicking Triangle Pre-School Covid-19 Risk Assessment and a summary of the mitigating actions is listed below.

Please note that, on their child’s return to school, parents will be asked to sign that they have read and will abide by the  Covid-19 risk assessment.

Risk: New operating methods due to Covid-19

  • All parents have received emails explaining new routines and the reasons for them. A copy of our revised Triangle Pre-School Covid-19 Risk Assessment is available to them. It has been made clear that non-compliance will result in the child not being able to attend pre-school.  Parents are to sign that they have read the Risk Assessment and agree to the requirements.

Risk: Parents not observing social distancing at drop-off/collection

  • Staggered drop-offs and collections by a single parent / carer have already been specified by email.
  • Two-metre lines drawn outside preschool.
  • No parent to enter the building even in poor weather.

Additional actions to be taken:

  • The Manager or Deputy will be at the brown door to greet each child and parent and then will take to the child’s keyworker for the day, who will take to toilets to wash hands before entering the Hall.
  • Lunch boxes will be cleaned on arrival and placed on a trolley in the Kitchen. We will request hard plastic lunch boxes only.
  • Parents / Carers have been made aware that no soft toys or comforters can be brought in from home.
  • Children will be collected at the brown door, with staggered collections as already agreed with parents.

Risk: Child arrives with symptoms

  • Parents / Carers have been asked not to bring any child into Pre-School who may show symptoms of Covid-19 or comes from a household where a member has symptoms.
  • The parent and child will be asked to leave and cannot return until they have tested negative for Covid or for 14 days after testing positive.

Note that the Government has not requested that we take children’s temperatures on arrival.

Risk: Children not washing hands

  • All children to wash hands as they:
    • enter building (as above)
    • before snack and lunch
    • after toileting
    • when they come back into the building from the garden.
  • Children will visit the toilets to wash their hands in their daily groups, supervised by the group’s keyworker.

Risk: Risk of infection from equipment, furniture, toilets, door handles, surfaces etc.

  • Church will do a deep clean of the building before Pre School reopens.
  • No cushions, rugs, soft toys, books, small toys, playdough, sand or water will be used to minimise the chance of cross-infection.
  • All toys, outside equipment, door handles, surfaces, toilet areas will be cleaned by Pre-School staff at the end of every session.
  • All equipment will be cleaned after every activity.
  • All waste including PPE will be double bagged and put in the outside bin at the end of the day.
  • PPE requirements for a suspected case of COVID-19 are gloves, apron and mask and we have sufficient stocks to last all term.

Risk: Children mixing with each other

  • Children will be divided into three groups of no more than six children led by one member of staff and where possible will stay in that “bubble” throughout the day, avoiding other bubbles.
  • Government guidance states that no bubble should be larger than 15 children. We plan to have no more than 15 per day, split into 3 bubbles.
  • Bubbles will move between three areas. The Hall will be divided into 2 areas; two bubbles will be in the Hall, one will be in the Blue Room, one will be in the garden.
  • There will always be one free area which will be undergoing cleaning.
  • In case of bad weather, the Hall can be divided into 3 areas.

Risk Spread of contamination during food preparation and snack times

  • One member of staff will be responsible for food preparation and will wear disposable gloves and aprons.
  • All tables will be sprayed before and after snack and lunch.
  • Children will eat lunch and snack within their bubble and wash hands before snack.
  • To minimise the risk of cross-contamination, all meals will be consumed in the Blue Room, and tarpaulin placed under the table and chairs.
  • Children responsible where possible for disposal of their own rubbish into the bin.
  • Bin to be emptied after snack and lunchtime. This will be located in the Blue Room.

Risk: Cleaning has not been done properly

  • After the last child has departed the following will all be cleaned with an anti-bacterial cleaner:
    • All equipment used that day.
    • The toilets (toilets, sinks, surface, floor).
    • Hall – all furniture sprayed, floor swept daily and mopped weekly.
    • Kitchen – surfaces cleaned, sinks cleaned, bins emptied, floor swept, mopped weekly.
    • All light switches and handles.
    • Blue Room: to be hoovered daily.
  • The Church contract cleaners will complete a clean of the building after Triangle Pre-School has closed.

Risk: Development of COVID-19 symptoms during session

  • The manager or deputy will don protective clothing (apron / mask / gloves) and remove the child to the quarantine area (Foyer). This will be cleaned after use, and the Church point of contact informed of the incident.
  • Parent / carer to be contacted and asked to collect immediately.

Risk: Personal and uniform hygiene – Risk of infection brought into setting

  • Government guidelines state that staff do not require additional PPE over and above what is normally required unless a child is symptomatic as discussed above.
  • All Staff have been trained via Zoom on 12th May. An additional meeting is planned for 4th June. In addition, they have been sent, via email, the Hampshire County Council document “Strategic Planning to Support the Recovery of Early Years and Childcare – COVID-19 Pandemic”.
  • All staff to wash uniform after every daily attendance.
  • Hands to be washed on entry and exit of the building.
  • Hand sanitizer to be available at all times.