OFSTED inspectors visited us in January 2024 and once again rated us as Good.

Children enjoy their time at pre-school and develop secure relationships with staff, who are immensely caring. Children develop a love of stories and rhymes. This not only supports their language development but also helps children make connections within their learning. Staff have high expectations of children’s behaviour and help them develop a clear understanding of the rules and why these are important.

OFSTED Inspection Report, January 2024

The full report is available on the Triangle Pre-school page of the OFSTED website or you can read it below.

What is OFSTED?

OFSTED, the Office for Standards in Education, Childcare and Skills, plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality of preschools in England. Through regular inspections, they assess how well a preschool meets the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, which outlines crucial aspects of children’s early development. This includes evaluating the quality of teaching, provision for learning and play, children’s safety and well-being and overall leadership and management. A positive report acts as a valuable stamp of approval for parents. It provides reassurance that their child is receiving the high-quality care and education they deserve. It also encourages continuous improvement within the preschool, driving staff to strive for excellence and adapt their practices to support children’s individual needs. In short, OFSTED plays a vital role in safeguarding children’s well-being and ensuring they receive the best possible start in life.