At our inspection in June 2014, OFSTED reported that:
The quality of teaching is good, which helps all children progress well. The staff team makes effective use of the spacious hall. They plan a wealth of interesting activities from which children choose freely. These experiences cover all areas of learning effectively. Staff plan these well to suit the children’s varying stages of development and interests. Staff know children’s starting points through discussions with parents and from observing children carefully. Their thorough planning results in activities that capture the children’s attention successfully. Consequently, all children play happily as they explore their environment. They engage in play well and learn because they enjoy the activities they choose.
Our philosophy:
- We understand that all children are individual and they all develop at their own pace.
- We have a wide range of resources to stimulate each child, and encourage them to develop to their full potential during their pre-school years.
- Children are fully supported as they develop in all seven areas of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) framework.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Triangle Pre-School.