Autumn 2019 Newsletter

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new children and their families who have joined us this in Autumn 2019.

Dates for your Diary

  • Tuesday 24th September: Triangle Annual General Meeting. 8.00pm, Blue Room, Wesley Methodist Church Hall. All welcome.
  • Friday 25th October: Inset day
  • Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November: Half Term
  • Monday 11th November: Photographer visit
  • Week commencing 18th November: Parent Consulations
  • Friday 6th December: 2.30pm Nativity Dress Rehearsal
  • Friday 13th December: 2.00pm Nativity Performance
  • Wednesday 18th December: Christmas Party, 1.30–3.00pm and last day of term

Parent Information

By law we are required to have every child’s current address and contact numbers so we can contact you in an emergency. Please ensure that if you move house or change your telephone number you inform Pre School. We will not share this information with anyone else without your permission.

Lunch Boxes

We have children in Pre School who have nut allergies so please no products containing nuts. This includes hummus and Nutella.

An apple cut in pieces on a board with a knifePlease help us ensure that your child gets the right lunch by naming all drink bottles and lunch boxes. If your child has a yoghurt please put a spoon in their lunch box.  Grapes must be cut in half (from top to bottom) and if your child will only eat an apple when it is cut into segments then please send it in already cut up.

We are trying to teach the children about healthy eating so please no sweets or fizzy drinks in lunchboxes. Thank you for your support.
