Summer Newsletter 2018

Welcome back to the new term and to the summer newsletter. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our new children and their parents and carers. We want to make your child’s time at Triangle a happy and fulfilling experience so please let us know if you have any concerns or questions. Any member of staff will be happy to help.

Dates for the Diary

  • Thursday 3rd May: Pre-School closed
  • Trip to Paultons Park
  • Monday 7th May: Bank Holiday – Pre-School closed
  • Monday 28th May to Friday 1st June : Half Term
  • Monday 4th June: Pre-School Closure Day
  • Thursday 14th June : Sports Day – details to follow
  • Thursday 21st June: Reserve Sports Day
  • Friday 15th June: Photographer visit (Group and individual photos)
  • Thursday 19th July: Last Day of Term
  • Leavers Party 1.15-3.00
  • Monday 3rd September: Pre School reopens for Autumn Term


Four bottles of sunscreenAs the weather becomes warmer please ensure that you send your child into Pre-School with a named sun hat and with sunscreen already applied. If you would like sunscreen reapplied during the day then please send in a named bottle of sun cream and give it to a member of staff.

Nut allergy alert

Please do not send your child in with nuts or food containing nuts as we have a child with a severe nut allergy. Thank you.

PE sessions

We run PE sessions on a Tuesday and Friday morning for our children who will be going to school in September and would be grateful if children could bring in shorts , a T shirt and plimsolls on these days.

Thank you for all your support.!