May 2018 OFSTED Inspection Report

We were visited by the OFSTED inspectors in May 2018. The report has now been published and we have been rated Good in all areas.

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good

    • The manager and committee members are very ambitious for the children. The preschool has a very good range of resources that engages the children in their play as soon as they arrive.
    • The manager uses additional funding very effectively to provide extra help and support to close children’s achievement gaps. Staff develop children’s early language well, helping children to develop their speech and learn how to listen.
    • The very experienced staff work well together as a team. Their consistent expectations help children behave very well. Children share, take turns and respect each other’s views and needs. For example, they enjoy playing imaginative games being the ‘farmers’ choosing colours so children can cross the ‘meadow’.
    • Key persons are very attentive to the children and develop very strong relationships with parents. This helps parents to work in partnership with the setting, helping children make good progress in their development.
    • The pre-school has very good relationships with the local school and other settings children attend, to share assessments of what children learn and provide consistency.

Full OFSTED report

You can see the full report on our OFSTED information page and on the Triangle Pre-school page of the OFSTED website.