We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new children and their families who have joined us this term.
This is a very busy term for Pre-School. Please see below for a list of things which are happening this term.
Dates for your Diary
- Half Term: Week commencing 22/10/18
- Bag to School: Collection date : Friday 9th November. We will happily accept bags of clothes/shoes/soft toys at any time however. Please bear in mind curtains and bed linen are not permitted.
- Photographer Visit: Monday 12th November
- Children in Need: Friday 16th November
- Parent Consultations: Wednesday 21st and Friday 23rd November
- Nativity Dress Rehearsal: Friday 7th December pm
- Nativity and Christmas Fair: Friday 14th December pm
- Christmas Party (and last day of term): Wednesday 19th December
- Inset Day: Friday 21st December
- First day of Spring Term: Monday 7th January
Details on all of the above events will follow.
Lunchboxes & labelling
Please can all lunchboxes, drink bottles and coats be labelled. Quite often we have three identical lunchboxes all without names which makes matching the right child with the right lunch a very difficult task. And finally if grapes are in a lunch box please can they be cut in half. Thank you.
We started the library this week. If you have not returned your form but would like your child to bring a book home please let a member of staff know.
Many thanks for your support.