Spring Newsletter 2019

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new children and their families who have joined us this term.

Dates for your Diary

  • Friday 15th February: Coffee Morning for Parents and Carers. Details to follow.
  • Week commencing 18 February: Half Term
  • Monday 25th February: Inset Day. Pre School Closed.
  • Week commencing 25 March: Parent Consultations
  • Friday 5th April: Last Day of Term
  • Tuesday 23rd April: First Day of Summer Term

Parent Information

By law we are required to have every child’s current address and contact numbers so we can contact you in an emergency. Please ensure that if you move house or change your telephone number you inform Pre School. We will not share this information with anyone else without your permission.


If you would like your child to join our lending library scheme please ask a member of staff who will give you a form to complete.


We now have PE sessions every Monday and Wednesday morning for children who start school this September. Please send your child in with shorts/tracksuit bottoms, a T shirt and plimsolls. Please ensure every item of clothing is named.

Lunch boxes

Please ensure that your child does not have any products containing nuts in their packed lunch as we have children in Pre School with nut allergies. And finally … please cut all grapes in half lengthways!